What is the app about? ⶠmGamer App is provided free game currency of your favorite mobile games. Which game currency does the app provide? ⶠPUBG UC ⶠPUBG LITE BC ⶠFREE FIRE DIAMONDS ⶠMOBILE LEGEND DIAMONDS ⶠCastle Clash Gems ⶠCall Of Duty CP ⶠLORDS MOBILE DIAMONDS ⶠPAYTM CASH (ONLY FOR INDIA) ⶠPAYPAL CASH ⶠOther game currency will support soon. Is this a legal or official game currency? will my game id/account ban ⶠYes, this app provides an official game currency. We simply purchase and transfer the currency from the official website of the game provider. Don't worry at all, none of your game account/id will ban. It's legal and official currency transfer Is this game currency supported in my country? ⶠYes, this game currency work internationally. How to get and redeem the game currency? ⶠCollect coins by playing game tournaments, watching videos, filling survey and completing tasks â¶Redeem game currency by spending coins This app does not provide any cheating method to hack game tricks. We simply transfer the game currency from the official website https://www.midasbuy.com/ by purchasing that product. By using our app your gamer account with any of game will not ban/suspend *** All copyright and all rights reserved by respective game owners. *** Google or any of the game company not affiliated with sponsors for this app.